Drupal 8 installation and configuration:
an example site

Some pages

Now we will add some contents, at first a page on an artist, as shown in the following figure.

We set a title, and, in the "Body" field, some HTML text and pictures.

In the bar at right we say we don't want a menu link for the page and set as url: "/vianello".

At bottom, in the "Categories" section, we list the sections of our site in which we want our content to be visible: "special section" and "artists".

In the "keyword" section we write some words, which can be used to find this content. These terms will be automatically inserted in the "tags" vocabulary.

In the following figure we show how the visitor sees our page: at right the special contact form we defined; at bottom the links to the relevant sections and keyword. The visibility of "Categories" and "Keywords" was set in the "Display form" for basic pages.

If we click on the "Artists" menu, or the "Artist" block in the front page, we reach the page for the category "artists". The pages for the artists are listed following our settings for the taxonomy view.
The same contents are in the "specials" section, if we added them to both categories.

The "Read more" line is a link to the full page.
For the "Vianello" page a "teaser" is shown: a short text automatically made by truncating the full text in the "body" section of the page.
For the "Bigio" page we gave instead a very short summary, which is used in place of the teaser; the "bigio" page settings is shown in the figure below.